The South Dakota Department of Public Safety Office of Emergency Management has published a useful handbook for flood recovery. That guide can be found on the City's website at the link below. Please note that this has NOT been a federally declared disaster, and as such there is no existing federal assistance for individuals or households. If that changes, the City of Lennox will work with the necessary state agencies to maximize federal assistance.

Reminder- City Council Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight! Watch live at https:/www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmH3eY8Iom6ABWOBKei-yQ Check out what is on the agenda for tonight by clicking on the link below. https://go.boarddocs.com/sd/col/Board.nsf/Public

Residents and businesses in the area of Main Street and Highway 44 - utility crews will be smoke testing sanitary sewer in your neighborhood today. You may see smoke coming from the floor drain or plumbing fixtures.

Sunday Morning Update!
Good morning! We've made a lot of progress in the last 24 hours! We have ceased discharge from our North and Main lift stations. Discharge continued at the wastewater treatment facility.
Residents may return to normal water usage, but please only use what you need to. If that extra load of laundry can wait until tomorrow, please let it wait. Our lift station pumps are still working harder than they should - even 24 hours after the rain has stopped.
Those in need of rolloff dumpsters or dump trailers to clean up debris may park on City streets until June 30 at 12:00 AM. Please be mindful of blind intersections and keep it as safe as you can!
The rubble site and pool remain closed.

All streets are now open!

Saturday Morning Update!
It looks like we are past the worst of the weather. That being said, we are nowhere near done with this event. Below is some important information for you to know today:
• Please continue to limit water use. Every gallon that enters the system is just another gallon that is filling the system at a time when it just cannot take it – the system is full. We will issue an update when we can.
• Cleveland Avenue is CLOSED! Please avoid the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Street intersections with Cleveland due to rapidly flowing water.
• The City drinking water system is in great shape and does not pose any concerns at this time. There is NO concern about the safety of our drinking water.
• We have seen kids playing in drainage areas, flowing water on Cleveland, and other areas. Please do not let anyone play in any of this water! The water is moving very quickly, we have dangerous culverts and intakes, and there is a fairly good chance that the runoff or drainage contains either sewage or animal waste.
• The Swimming Pool is closed for the time being. We are contacting emergency crews to get it up and running as soon as possible!
• If you see our crews out and about, please thank them for their work! Many of them have gone a couple of days without much sleep, and are still fighting the fight!

The Lennox Rubble Site is closed and will remain closed for several days. This is currently the only access to the Wastewater Plant, and we need to preserve good access. Please note that the gate will be open for staff to get in and out, but it IS NOT open to the public at the time. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Cleveland Avenue is now CLOSED

South Main Street has re-opened.

South Main Street between SD Highway 44 and Park Drive is now CLOSED!

Flooding has started to show in low-lying areas in Lennox. Please use caution when navigating local streets. Remember: turn around, don't drown!

It's looking like tonight may be a repeat of last night in Lennox. Please remember - do NOT discharge your sump pump into your floor drain! This greatly contributes to an overwhelmed sanitary sewer system and may lead to disaster for you and your neighbors.

Please note that the City is NOT under a drinking water boil advisory. There are no current concerns with the safety of our drinking water.

Happy Friday!

As rain lets up today and folks get a look at any damage in their homes, please refer to this useful guide from the American Red Cross on cleaning up after a disaster.

Please limit water use for the time being. Every gallon saved from going into the sanitary sewer right now helps!

Lennox residents - we are in an emergency flood situation. Multiple roadways in and around Lennox are flooded and in some cases impassable.
Crews are working to keep the wastewater plant and collection system operating, but pumps are having difficulty keeping up.

Boynton Avenue is open to alternating one-way traffic only at this time. Please proceed with caution

Boynton Ave is closed, effective immediately!

The National Weather Services has issued a Flash Flood Warning for areas including Lennox.. If you see city streets starting to flood please call City Hall at 605-647-2286. After 5:30pm please call the on call number at 605-366-4705.