We are seeing some street flooding in Lennox this afternoon. Road closed barricades are being placed at Boynton Avenue and Cherry, West 1st and Cleveland, and West 4th and Cleveland. Please use caution around town and do not drive through flooded areas.

Please join City of Lennox staff in presenting and discussing the final City's Utility Rate Study. Residents will have an opportunity to view the results of the rate study, ask questions about the study and its implications, and learn about the next steps for utility rates in Lennox. The event will be taking place at Lennox City Hall.
June 19th at 7pm.

In Honor of Juneteenth, City Hall will reopen Thursday, June 20th at 7:30am.

Happy Friday!

Siren testing reminder!

Crews will be out tonight!

Tonight's City Council Public Hearing regarding the Central Basin 4 Project Assessment Roll will be postponed to a later date.

Happy Friday!

Central Basin 4 Project Update for May 30th is available for viewing. Visit site listed below for more details. https://www.lennoxcb4.com/post/june-6th-construction-update

Please be aware, city crews will be out crack sealing this week, weather pending. Please move vehicles off city streets if able.

Missed March's Facebook Live Q&A? No worries. We have another one on June 19th at 8pm. It is an excellent time to ask any questions that you have about the City of Lennox. Feel free to submit questions in advance or at the time of the meeting.

The West 2nd Avenue paving between Academy and Garfield has been postponed to Wednesday through Friday.

Happy Friday!

Central Basin 4 Project Update for May 30th is available for viewing. Visit site listed below for more details.

Lennox City Council is considering a change to the City's ordinances that would allow fireworks to be used in town at certain times of the year. The City Council has asked for community feedback on this issue, and greatly appreciates any information you can provide! Please take a minute and click the link below to let us know your thoughts.

Please note that West 2nd Avenue between South Academy Street and South Garfield Street will close temporarily on Monday, June 3 for removal and repaving of asphalt. The contractor anticipates re-opening the street by Friday, June 7.

Crews will be out fogging for mosquitos on city streets tonight.

Reminder- City Council Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight! Watch live at https:/www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmH3eY8Iom6ABWOBKei-yQ Check out what is on the agenda for tonight by clicking on the link below. https://go.boarddocs.com/sd/col/Board.nsf/Public

Thank you to all who have served and to those who are currently serving.

City Hall will reopen on Tuesday, May 28th at 7:30am.