Siren testing reminder!

Crews will be out tonight again.

Reminder - farewell celebration for departing Finance Officer Denise Hanson is today at 2:00! Stop by to say thank you and have some refreshments!

Residents - we are getting reports of a broad 911 outage. If you need emergency services during this outage, please contact the Lennox Police Department non-emergency line at 605.647.5299

Reminder- City Council Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight! Watch live at https:/www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmH3eY8Iom6ABWOBKei-yQ Check out what is on the agenda for tonight by clicking on the link below. https://go.boarddocs.com/sd/col/Board.nsf/Public

Crews will be out tonight and a couple more times later this week, weather pending!

Central Basin 4 Project Update for June 27th is available for viewing. Visit site listed below for more details. https://www.lennoxcb4.com/post/june-27th-construction-update

Missed June's Facebook Live Q&A? No worries. We have another one on July 17th at 8pm. It is an excellent time to ask any questions that you have about the City of Lennox. Feel free to submit questions in advance or at the time of the meeting.

Happy Friday!

The City of Lennox wishes everyone a happy and safe 4th of July!

Have a safe 4th of July!

When the signs are all set up please refrain from moving them.

Crews will be out tonight weather pending!

Happy Friday!

Reminder- Planning Commission Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight! Watch live at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmH3eY8Iom6ABWOBKei-yQ To see what is on the agenda visit https://go.boarddocs.com/sd/col/Board.nsf/Public

Reminder, the next Lennox Facebook Live Q&A is tonight, June 26th at 8pm. Have a question about Lennox? This is your chance to get answers! This meeting will be an opportunity to ask questions of Lennox staff about any number of issues. This is also a great opportunity for folks that aren't able to attend City Council meetings or other events to learn about current and upcoming projects, policies and ordinances, or any other issue that impacts you and your family! Feel free to submit questions in advance or at the time of the meeting!

Good evening - if you have damage in your home or business from this past week's storms, please consider reporting the damage to South Dakota Emergency Management through the link below. Submissions will provide critical information for a possible Presidential Disaster Declaration for Individual Assistance.
It is important to note that completing this form does not guarantee assistance will become available.
If you or your neighbors require assistance in completing the form, please do not hesitate to contact City Hall at 605.647.2286.

Crews will be out tonight!

The Rubble Site is now open. Please use caution in the tree area, as we have been discharging from the wastewater plant to that area. Reminder: no plastic bags and no treated wood allowed!

The South Dakota Department of Public Safety Office of Emergency Management has published a useful handbook for flood recovery. That guide can be found on the City's website at the link below. Please note that this has NOT been a federally declared disaster, and as such there is no existing federal assistance for individuals or households. If that changes, the City of Lennox will work with the necessary state agencies to maximize federal assistance.