Reminder, the next Lennox Facebook Live Q&A tonight, Aug. 16th at 8pm. Have a question about Lennox? This is your chance to get answers! This meeting will be an opportunity to ask questions of Lennox staff about any number of issues. This is a great opportunity for folks that aren't able to attend City Council meetings or other events to learn about current and upcoming projects, policies and ordinances, or any other issue that impacts you and your family! Feel free to submit questions in advance or at the time of the meeting!

Pictures shown below are of the homes that will be affected by Siteworks 's water shutdown tomorrow, Aug 15th, from 8am-12pm. If you have any questions or concerns contact Josh Thier at 605-759-6158.

To close out the summer season, the Second Annual Pooch Paddle will be taking place at the Lennox Community Pool at 7:00 PM on August 20th.
This event is free for all dogs, but dogs are required licensed and with City of Lennox tags. Licenses and tags will be available for purchase prior to the event at City Hall in Lennox.
Dog owners will be responsible for complying with all City ordinances and regulations, including picking up and disposal of animal droppings. Dogs are expected to be on-leash until inside the pool facility, and any dogs exhibiting any sign(s) of aggression will be required to leave upon demand on City staff. Dog owners should carefully consider whether their dog is sufficiently socialized for such an event prior to attending. Dogs are prohibited from attacking any person or other dog, and dogs doing so will be referred to the Humane Society and Police Department.
The Pooch Paddle is only allowed in the community pool after it has been closed for the season. Chemicals remain in the pool to help keep it sanitary for dog use. The pool will be drained the day after the event.

Siren Testing Reminder

Fall Soccer Registration closes on Sunday, Aug 20th, 2023. Preschool- 4th grade are able to register. Click on link provided below to go to registration site.
Equipment- Parents will be responsible for providing cleats/tennis shoes and shin-guards. We will provide each player with a t-shirt jersey and a size 3 or 4 soccer ball depending on age.
Games and Practices - Held Saturdays starting September - October from 9:00am -12:00 pm.
Teams will be scheduled for one hour time slots. The first half hour will be practice(Coaches may choose to have more practices); the second half a scrimmage with another team.(Coaches can choose to start games earlier, but will only have the one hour time slot)
Location - Old Practice Football Field which is located just south of the baseball fields at Westerman Park next to Highway 44.
Fee - Participants will be given a t-shirt and ball, but need their own shin guards and tennis shoes/cleats. The registration fee is $40.00. Late fee of $25.00 will be added after

If you were unable to attend last night's Budget Open House, you can view the video on the City's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmH3eY8Iom6ABWOBKei-yQ
Please feel free to contact City Hall if you have any questions or suggestions for next year's budget!

Reminder, we have a Lennox Facebook Live Q&A coming up on Aug. 16th at 8pm.
Have a question about Lennox? This is your chance to get answers! This meeting will be an opportunity to ask questions of Lennox staff about any number of issues. This is a great opportunity for folks that aren't able to attend City Council meetings or other events to learn about current and upcoming projects, policies and ordinances, or any other issue that impacts you and your family!
Feel free to submit questions in advance or at the time of the meeting!

Remember tomorrow, Aug. 9th at 7pm is the 2024 Budget Open house!
This event is an opportunity for anyone interested to review and provide feedback on the 2024 City of Lennox budget. Staff will be available to answer questions and take your input for consideration in the final development of the budget prior to adoption by the City Council.

This week's Central Basin 4 Project update is now available! Visit www.lennoxcb4.com for more information!

This past week, the Comprehensive Plan Task Force met for the final time. This group has been meeting for months to discuss the future of land use and other policies around planning and zoning in and around Lennox! Thank you to all involved for your help and input!

Click on the link below to fill out our Lennox Satisfaction Survey and let us know how we are doing!

2024 Budget Open House will be held on Aug. 9th at 7pm at City Hall This event is an opportunity for anyone interested to review and provide feedback on the 2024 City of Lennox budget. Staff will be available to answer questions and take your input for consideration in the final development of the budget prior to adoption by the City Council.

City of Lennox new website goes live today! See picture below on how to download the app for more details.

City of Lennox new website goes live today! See picture below on how to download the app for more details.

A cell phone was dropped off at City Hall today. Please stop by to identify & pick the phone up.

A pair of headphones was found at the park and turned into City Hall. Please stop to identify and claim. Our hours are Mon-Thurs from 7:30-5:30 pm and Fri. from 7:30-12pm