Reminder- City Council Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight! Watch live at https:/ Check out what is on the agenda for tonight by clicking on the link below.
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
Reminder, today, City Hall will be CLOSED and reopen tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 10th, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
Reminder 10/9/23
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
Oct. 9 2023
Reminder--The Lennox Community Library will be opening late on Friday, October 6th (tomorrow). They are planning to be back by 11:30am from training.
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
Residents please be advised that Pipe Detectives will be in town tomorrow for sewer jetting in AREA 2 shown in the provided pictures. Maintenance will take approximately 2-3 days. Please be advised during the process contractors will be setting up equipment at each manhole in the roadways. High pressure water will be released in the sanitary sewer system. Bubbling and/or vacuum effects may be noticed in drains and toilets. It is recommended to keep all toilet seats closed and cover any floor drains. Internal plumbing consists of traps which hold a volume of water to prevent sewer gasses. During the flushing process this water could be drawn out of the traps by negative pressure, for that reason it is important to refill all plumbing traps by running water in you sinks and floor drains after work is completed.
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
sewer cleaning
area 2
sewer 3
The Lennox Community Satisfaction Survey is available to take. Please take a minute and let us know how we are doing by clicking on the link provided.
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
Oct 2023
Missed September's Facebook Live Q&A? No worries. We have another one on Oct 18th at 8pm. It is an excellent time to ask any questions that you have about the City of Lennox. Feel free to submit questions in advance or at the time of the meeting.
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
Oct. Q&A
Reminder- Planning Commission Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight! Watch live at To see what is on the agenda visit
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
Work has begun on the Lennox Historical Museum! Over the next few weeks, C. Eagle Construction will be tuck pointing all exterior brickwork on the museum (also known as Harney Hospital), as well as the brick memorial in front of the museum. This is the first of several projects to improve the museum building. The 2024 budget included $150,000 in sales tax funds to re-roof the building and install new windows consistent with historical requirements. The Harney Hospital is the only site in Lennox on the National Register of Historic Places, and is one of only 27 sites in Lincoln County. In 1915, Elizabeth Harney, who trained as a practical nurse, built this hospital with the backing of Dr. Samuel Young. Elizabeth opened the hospital in 1916 and employed doctors Young, Volin, and Stevens. The Harney family lived in the upper stories. Surgery was performed in the northwest room of the second floor, where a slanted skylight in the ceiling provided additional light. Though systems of medical care had changed by the 1940s, Elizabeth continued to use the hospital for the delivery of babies and nursing home care for the elderly until her death in 1948. Dr. H.P. Volin bought the building, then known as The Clinic, and subsequent local doctors also had offices here. The upstairs was converted into boarding rooms or apartments. In 1984, it became the museum of the Lennox Area Historical Society, and in 2004, ownership was transferred to the City of Lennox. The interior of Harney Hospital remains almost entirely in its original state. The original carriage house, which housed both the carriage and horses, is at the rear of the property as well. Harney Hospital was listed in the National Register of Historical Places in 1984.
over 1 year ago, Nate Vander Plaats
Great news! The new ramp surface for the Lennox Skate Park is being installed today! Great work, Kevin!
over 1 year ago, Nate Vander Plaats
Skate Park
Reminder- City Council Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight! Watch live at https:/ Check out what is on the agenda for tonight by clicking on the link below.
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
AFTERNOON SCHOOL TRAFFIC - South Elm Street (south of 9th Avenue and north of Highway 44) may still be closed by the time you head to and from school today. The contractor is hoping to have it re-opened to one lane for alternating traffic by 3:15. Please consider using Park Drive or Main Street to access the student pick-up areas.
over 1 year ago, Nate Vander Plaats
The latest Central Basin 4 Update is now available! Visit the link below for more details!
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
We have reached the asphalt stage of Phase 2 of the Central Basin 4 Project! With any luck - and understanding we will have some temporary closures to wrap everything up - we will have 1st Avenue open again in the next few days!
over 1 year ago, Nate Vander Plaats
1st Ave
Residents should expect multiple temporary street closures over the next week, as the City's contractor works to repair multiple locations in our sanitary sewer system. The closures are marked on the image below, and should only last a few hours per site. For more information on these repairs, please visit$file/PENDING%20-%20Informal%20Bid%5B21191%5D.pdf
over 1 year ago, Nate Vander Plaats
At Monday's City Council Meeting, the City Council approved an application for the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Community Forestry Grant! This matching grant - which is capped at $5000 - is made available to help communities address a specific forestry problem. In our case, several trees have been removed from Westerman Park over the last several years due to storm damage, particularly from the August, 2021 tornado. More information on the grant program can be found here:
over 1 year ago, Nate Vander Plaats
Lennox Street Department will be sweeping the parade route TODAY! If you live on the highlighted route, please consider moving your vehicle off of the street to help us clean as much of the route as possible!
over 1 year ago, Nate Vander Plaats
parade route
Reminder, the next Lennox Facebook Live Q&A is tonight, Sept. 13th at 8pm. Have a question about Lennox? This is your chance to get answers! This meeting will be an opportunity to ask questions of Lennox staff about any number of issues. This is a great opportunity for folks that aren't able to attend City Council meetings or other events to learn about current and upcoming projects, policies and ordinances, or any other issue that impacts you and your family! Feel free to submit questions in advance or at the time of the meeting!
over 1 year ago, Margo Jane Gilsdorf
Sept. 13, 2023
Work on the Central Basin 4 Project continues to make good progress! Phase 1 is complete, and concrete work on Phase 2 should be complete this week! With any luck, 1st Avenue should be reopened by late September!
over 1 year ago, Nate Vander Plaats
CB4 Phase 2
The City of Lennox is hiring! If you've got a passion for improving your community, consider applying for the open Street Maintenance Specialist position - more info on our website at!
over 1 year ago, Nate Vander Plaats