Happy Friday!

Reminder, the next Lennox Facebook Live Q&A is tonight, August 21st at 8pm. Have a question about Lennox? This is your chance to get answers! This meeting will be an opportunity to ask questions of Lennox staff about any number of issues. This is also a great opportunity for folks that aren't able to attend City Council meetings or other events to learn about current and upcoming projects, policies and ordinances, or any other issue that impacts you and your family! Feel free to submit questions in advance or at the time of the meeting!

Reminder- Park Board Meeting will be held at City Hall tonight at 6pm. Check out what is on the agenda for tonight by clicking on the link below. https://go.boarddocs.com/sd/col/Board.nsf/Public

Lennox residents & businesses - South Dakota has now received a Presidential Disaster Declaration for the June flooding. Individual assistance was requested for nine counties and approved for the following four counties: Davison, Lincoln, Turner, and Union.
Constituents in the declared Individual Assistance counties can apply for assistance with the methods listed below. Please note, submitting a self-report damage form via Crisis Track does not count as an application for assistance, affected individuals and businesses must fill out an application for assistance using one of the methods below:
• Apply online at: https://www.disasterassistance.gov/
• Apply via phone at: 800-621-3362
• Apply via the FEMA mobile app: https://www.fema.gov/about/news-multimedia/mobile-products
Applicants have 60 days from the date of the declaration to apply for assistance. This disaster was declared on August 15th.
Disaster Recovery Centers will be stepped up and we are working to get those locations and times finalized. It is not necessary for constituents to wait until those are available to apply for assistance, though. I would encourage constituents to begin the application process as soon as possible.

Thank you to US Military Vets MC for their donation to the Lennox Schools Food Service program!

Happy Friday!

Central Basin 4 Project Update for Aug. 15th is available for viewing. Visit site listed below for more details. https://www.lennoxcb4.com/post/august-15th-construction-update

Reminder- City Council Meeting starts at 7:00pm tonight! Watch live at https:/www.youtube.com/channel/UCnmH3eY8Iom6ABWOBKei-yQ Check out what is on the agenda for tonight by clicking on the link below. https://go.boarddocs.com/sd/col/Board.nsf/Public

Happy Friday!

Central Basin 4 Project Update for Aug. 8th is available for viewing. Visit site listed below for more details. https://www.lennoxcb4.com/post/august-8th-construction-update

Siren testing reminder!

Missed July's Facebook Live Q&A? No worries. We have another one on August 21st at 8pm. It is an excellent time to ask any questions that you have about the City of Lennox. Feel free to submit questions in advance or at the time of the meeting.

Happy Friday!

Central Basin 4 Project Update for August 2nd is available for viewing. Visit site listed below for more details. https://www.lennoxcb4.com/post/august-2nd-construction-update

N. Elm St. and W. Boynton Ave. intersection will be closed on Monday, August 5th, from approximately 7:00am- 5:00pm in order to install 2 manholes as well as work around the water main as part of the Central Basin 4 project.

Tonight is the night! The Capital Improvement Plan Community Visioning Session starts at 7pm at City Hall. This is your chance to share your thoughts on where the City of Lennox should focus attention and funding in the coming years!

Due to a main break at Elm and Boynton, residents in the neighborhood will have a water shutdown in a few minutes. Crews will work to restore service as soon as possible.

Reminder! The Capital Improvement Plan Community Visioning Session will be held tomorrow night at 7pm at City Hall. This is your chance to share your thoughts on where the City of Lennox should focus attention and funding in the coming years!

Crews will be out fogging for mosquitoes tonight.

Happy Friday!