As we enter the Winter season, it is a very important reminder of the City of Lennox’s Municipal Ordinance regarding snow and ice removal on sidewalks. Municipal Ordinance Chapter 6.03 covers a property owner’s duty to remove and disposal of snow from their property in a timely manner.
6.0301 Duty to Remove: It shall be the duty of the owner, tenant, or person in possession of any property abutting on any sidewalk to keep such sidewalk free from snow and ice and to cause any accumulated snow and ice to be removed from any such abutting sidewalk within twenty four (24) hours after the termination of any snowfall, or snow or ice accumulation, except for within the Central Business District, where it shall be required that snow be removed by 12:00 noon following the termination of snowfall. When it is impossible to take snow and ice from such sidewalk by reason of its being frozen to the sidewalk, the owner or occupant or person in charge of such lot shall sprinkle or spread some suitable material upon the same to prevent the walk from becoming slippery and dangerous to travel.
6.0302 Disposal of Snow: It shall be the duty of the property owner, tenant, or person in possession of any public or private driveway, parking lot or parking area to dispose of accumulated snow and ice upon such property in such manner that any snow and ice when removed shall not be deposited upon any sidewalk, within or upon any public street or alley, or in a manner that will obstruct or interfere with the passage or vision of vehicle or pedestrian traffic. It shall be the duty of the property owner, tenant, or person in possession of any property abutting on any sidewalk to dispose of accumulated snow and ice upon such sidewalk in such a manner that any snow and ice when removed shall not be deposited within or upon any public street or alley, after such public street or alley has been cleared of snow and ice by the grading of such snow or ice away from the curb or the picking up and carrying away of such snow or sanding or salting of ice by the City.
The above ordinance’s purpose has two main objectives: Preventing accidents and injuries and maintaining accessibility. Snow and ice can pose a threat to pedestrians. Keeping sidewalks clear can reduce the risk of accidents, particularly for the elderly and those with mobility challenges. Uncleared sidewalks can also become barriers for individuals with disabilities. Wheelchair users, users of walkers or canes, and parents with strollers may find it challenging or impossible to navigate through icy or snow-covered pathways. Keeping sidewalks clear ensures that everyone, regardless of physical ability, can move freely and independently within the community.
If you have any questions regarding Lennox’s snow and ice sidewalk ordinance or any other ordinances, feel free to reach out to City Hall at (605) 647-2286 for any questions or concerns.