This past week marked the final meeting of the Lennox Comprehensive Plan Task Force. This committee, appointed by Mayor DuChene, was tasked with discussing the issues surrounding future land use, planning, and zoning in and around Lennox.
Comprehensive Plans are an important piece of the planning puzzle for communities large and small. These plans guide development by identifying likely locations for specific uses such as industrial, commercial, and residential properties. It protects local residents from incompatible uses near their homes, identifies possible areas for park space, and takes into account any number of challenges to development.
Serving on this Task Force were the following volunteers:
- Mayor Stacy DuChene
- Bill Daugherty, Lennox City Council
- Billy Welch, Lennox City Council
- Jim Jibben, Lincoln County Commissioner
- Niki Wagner, Chair of Lennox Planning Commission
- Bret Wynja, Vice Chair of Lennox Planning Commission
- Sandy Poppenga, Lennox Planning Commission
- Alex Welbig, Lennox Planning Commission
- Lauren Van Driel, Lennox Planning Commission
- Kelli Boomgarden, Community Representative
- Harold Timmerman, Rural Representative
- Sharese Ihnen, Community Representative
- Art Ringen, Community Representative
- Chad Conaway, Superintendent of Lennox School District
- Chad Wulf, Community Representative
- Mitch Mergen, Stockwell Engineers
- Kyle Christiansen, City of Lennox