Zoning and Building Services
Building Permits
The City of Lennox requires building permits for most building projects under the 2021 versions of the International Building Code and the International Residential Code. The Building Services Department is staffed by a part-time position shared with the City of Hartford, and the Building Inspector is in Lennox on Mondays, Wednesdays, and alternating Friday mornings.
Building Permit Checklist:
Legal Description of Property
Lot Drawing of Project (must include the following)
Property Dimensions
Street Locations
Existing Structures
Set Backs
Distance from improvements to other structures
Contractors contact information
Building permit value and fee
Permit applications can be obtained at the city office located at 107 S. Main or printed off below.
Fees for permits are based on the estimated value of the work being done. The minimum fee is $20.00. If you have questions about a building project, you may contact the city office 605-647-2286.
Adopted International Building Code
Adopted International Residential Code

Call Before You Dig!
You can make your locate requests online using ONTRY or by simply calling 811 or outside of South Dakota 800.781.7474 . Locate requests are accepted 24/7. Call two working days before the planned work. Homeowners and landowners planning their own excavation activities are required to notify South Dakota One Call.
Code Enforcement
The City of Lennox strives to maintain voluntary compliance with the International Property Maintenance Code. If you feel a property is in violation of the City's ordinance, you may file a complaint with the Code Official. The Code Official will be responsible for investigating and mitigating any violations.
To file a complaint, please complete the Citizen Complaint Form and return it to City Hall at 107 S Main Street, or email it to Kyle Christensen at codes@hartfordsd.us