Brian Lathrop
DEC 27, 2023
With a couple minor snow showers under our belt, the snow season is officially here. Lennox averages annually around 30 inches of snow. Several factors are considered when city crews gear up for a snow event and contribute to an efficient snow removal, from forecasting and issuing snow alerts, to equipment prep/maintenance, plowing/hauling snow, and sanding.
City crews work in conjunction with Lennox Police Department to determine whether a snow alert will be issued, with the forecast amount of snow being the biggest factor. Lower amounts will typically not call for a snow alert, although the city may kindly ask residents to remove vehicles from streets, as empty streets make for a much more efficient snow removal process. With higher forecast snow totals, the city will issue a snow alert at least 24 hours in advance. Alerts will have a start and end time and will require vehicles to be removed from all streets for the duration of the alert, even after your street has been cleared. Vehicles not moved will be ticketed and towed. If removal operations are completed prior to the end of an alert, the city may cancel the alert.
The street department operates their snow removal in four phases. Phase one: Keep all emergency routes clear while the snow is falling. These streets include 1st Ave., 2nd Ave., 4th Ave., 5th Ave., Main St., Elm St., N. Cherry St., and Boynton Ave. It also includes keeping the driveways of emergency services (Police, Fire, Ambulance) clear of snow so as to not hinder quick emergency response. Once the snow has significantly stopped, phase two begins. This includes opening all primary and secondary roads (residential streets) for passage. Phase three is widening all roads curb to curb and clearing intersections occurs during phase three. Phase four includes hauling snow off Main St., clearing snow from alleyways, city owned sidewalks and the recreational trail.
The city will begin removal operations when there is 2 inches or more of snow on road surfaces. Depending on the timing of the snow, will determine when removal operations will begin (Typically between 3-4 a.m.). Once they begin, the plows break into 4 zones (North, West, East, Rest). North Zone: All roads north of the Railroad. West Zone: All roads South of the railroad and West of Main St. East Zone: All roads South of the railroad and East of Main St. Rest Zone: All dead-end roads, cul-de-sacs, alleyways, sidewalks, recreational trail.
Following a snow event, once all removal has been completed, sanding operations will begin. The city purchases, on average, roughly 100 tons of salt/sand for any given snow season. This covers primary roads and intersections. Including, but not limited to, emergency route streets (see above), Lennox business district, school zones, and all intersections along Hwy. 17 & 44. Roads with safety concerns such as roads with curves, will also be sanded.
*Note: The practice of blanket sanding is incredibly expensive and will not be attempted.
*All ordinances can be found on the city app and website in the Revised City Ordinances
Chapter 6.03 – Snow and Ice Removal
If you have any snow/ice removal questions or concerns, feel free to contact City Hall at (605)647-2286.
Location: Chapter 6.03