Rubble Site
Common Questions:
Do you need a rubble pass to use the rubble site?
No it is free to residents of Lennox.
Can I use the rubble site even though I do not live in Lennox?
No, you must live within Lennox city limits.
When is the site open?
It is always open, we have a camera out there to keep track of whom comes and goes
What can I take out there?
trees, brush, leaves, grass clippings, along with yard and garden wastes
Can I bring left over supplies from my house projects like siding or roofing supplies?
No, those that do will be fined per Ordinance Chapter 3.0204
How often do I need to get a rubble pass?
Every year
Where can I get a pass?
City Hall
Can I pay over the phone?
Yes, paying with a card, there is a transaction fee of 2.84% added to the purchase total
What type of information is needed to purchase a pass?
License plate # of the vehicle that will be used to bring materials out to the site
Phone number